
By Aiman Shaharuddin
Today, I sent Hikmah to go for an interview at SS15. She said it was ok, but she didn't expect a technical test to be given.

And good news for me too. Guess what? I received a call from IBM when I was in Nazriq's house. I'm being offered to work there as a trainee. I will start on the 17th September, that is next month. I'll go to IBM tomorrow to get my offer letter from them.


4 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 7:14 AM
    congrats2....have fun bekerja for IBM and dah dapat first gaji tuu jgn lupa yer....hahahaha..=P
  2. hehe.. thanx min.. i won't forget.. insyaAllah.. ^_^
  3. Anonymous 11:54 PM
    Congrats! Bape lame nak jadi trainee? Dpt gaji x?
  4. ajathajar 12:57 PM
    congrats aiman!

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