By Aiman Shaharuddin
Sigh, just received my assignment. I've been told that I've been assigned into sales in public sector. For the 1st month, I'll be shadowing my mentor, following him around. Right now, I'm trying to request to go into other department if possible.
By Aiman Shaharuddin
It's been a while since I last updated my blog. A lot have happened I think. Haha. Don't know where to start. Oh well, I just finished my training in TeamBlue. At last, 10 weeks of training is done. It was long yet fun. I've learned a lot, made a lot of friends, got to know a few people from IBM. And, tomorrow, I have to start to hunt for jobs within IBM. I'm still not sure where I want to be. Maybe, I have to start my research tonight, to decide where to go. There will be interviews tomorrow with the manager from a few departments. I have to be prepared by then. ^_^