Sales.. Public sector.. hmmm

By Aiman Shaharuddin
Sigh, just received my assignment. I've been told that I've been assigned into sales in public sector. For the 1st month, I'll be shadowing my mentor, following him around. Right now, I'm trying to request to go into other department if possible.

5 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous 3:39 PM
    dont worry...nanti leh jer tukar kan. but seriously i cant imagine u jadi salesman..ahaks
  2. aiman jadi salesmen.wohoo. eh aiman kau pandai ker convince kan org?
  3. nfar87 3:46 AM
    aiman aku nk masuk bahagian sales. haha
  4. aku tknk jd salesman.. tak reti aku.. tak ready lg.. nak masuk technical
  5. aku ngan nabilah dah buat conversation kau try nak jual barang

    aiman: beli lah barang nie.
    customer: tak nak.
    aiman: oh tak nak ker?*muka sedey* takper lah kalau camtue.

    haish aiman kau slalu give up biler x berjaya convince kan org.

    but aiman i believe you can be persuasive

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